The Oxford University Alumni Network in Mexico and ITAM are pleased to invite you to the panel discussion ’International and Domestic Perspectives on the 2018 Mexican Presidential Election’
Venue: ITAM Rio Hondo, Sala de Maestros Time: 19:00 hrs Date: Monday, May 21st, 2018 RSVP:
Valeria Moy, Economist, Professor at ITAM and General Director of México, ¿Cómo Vamos?
Viridiana Rios, Global Fellow, The Mexico Institute and Visiting Professor at Purdue University.
Alejandro Schtulmann, President, Emerging Markets Political Risk Analysis (EMPRA)
Sebastián de Lara, Managing Partner at Navegación Política
The panel will be moderated by Eric Martin, Bloomberg News Mexico Correspondent. ITAM has kindly agreed to provide refreshments after the event.
This event will be free of charge.
