The Committee would like to thank Rommel Ledezma for providing our association with more than two years of legal support.
As Legal Adviser he moved us closer towards getting Donataria Autorizada status, which will help us in our path towards getting a scholarship fund setup to support Mexican students that want to study at Oxford. We wish Rommel the best of luck in all future endeavors!
Rommel is a corporate attorney with local and international legal experience. He provides preemptive legal support in Spanish, Portuguese and English, and focuses on corporate, banking and finance, contract drafting and negotiation, global standards, management skills, leadership vision, team work oriented and tailored advisory. He graduated with honors from Universidad Panamericana México (JD) and obtained a Masters degree in Banking, Corporate and Finance Law at Fordham University School of Law in New York. He was a visiting student in 2010 at Pembroke College, University of Oxford. He is an adjunct Professor of Public Policy at Universidad Anahuac del Norte, a speaker in seminars and conferences, and has contributed to specialized publications related to public policy, corporate, financial services and finance law.